So as spring draws nearer and nearer, even the short lasted blizzard on Easter can't stop the scheming that seems to come from nothingness. Last spring it was how do i start a yarn shop, this year it is how to start a Ewetopian line of yarn! My goal is to have a line of yarn that is spun from blended fibers (not dip dyed, but dyed before spinning) to give a more subtle color effect. You may remember the beautiful blue sweater knitted by Carol Hanson, which graced our back wall all summer, this is the kind of yarn i would like to produce (of course without the handspun price!) Is this possible? Can i have this yarn ready for the WI Spin-In show and the WI Sheep and Wool Festival? I believe so :) As i write I have cauldrons of wool in greens and purples simmering away down in the basement!
My plan is to have my blends carded by Georgia at Quail Hill Carding because of her expertise in the area of carding beautiful clouds, then to send it off to be spun somewhere! My future goal is to have a processing mill right here at the shop and source from local shepherds in the area to create an eco-friendly yarn that is unique and local!
1 comment:
You are a crazy woman! But in a wonderfully good way. Can't wait to see what happens here...!
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